Why are Billionaires Dumping Stock and Buying up ALL the USA Farm Land?
Now: “Government announces 31 MILLION ACRE LAND GRAB from US Ranchers”
31 MILLION ACRE LAND GRAB from US Ranchers – Link
Will what they are planning produce better crops or contaminate the food supply even further? What about the radiation?
Let’s think this through logically for a moment:
Which commodity is REAL? Which one would “they” lead us to believe is real?
Crypto, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds or LAND, SEEDS, LIVESTOCK and SUN – that actually provides healing Vitamin D for ALL living things?
(And, are you processing and thinking independently, or are you being manipulated, led, managed and controlled?)
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” -Henry Kissinger
The Sustainable City aka: 15 minute “smart cities”
The new Technocracy agenda: Human “livestock” herded into 15 minute smart city [paddocks]…chipped and managed; but you’ll love it right? Obey or you’ll suffer the consequences!
You’ll receive a monthly allowance to use as THEY see fit and you’ll be “happy” – own NOTHING while you enjoy their healthy mixture of “eat da bugs” combined with their GMO, mRNA, radiated, vaccinated “food”!
Maybe, just maybe it’s time to rethink YOUR portfolio and incorporate REAL organic food and clean Biodiesel as an added future security bonus for your family and as a financial INVESTMENT commodity that continues to grow and grow and grow by connecting with Edible Home Gardens Resorts!
Example: ONE sunflower seed produces 7,500 MORE!
Just TRY to do the math on 12 million seeds exponentially! Doesn’t this explain WHY the billionaires are selling stock and buying land and seeds?!
We have an excellent financial “recipe” for you to review regarding Edible Home Gardens Resorts and several of their projects include Biodiesel, Freedom Solar Generators and Keto Le Cafe that will not only improve your bottom line, but overall, add a healthy dose of FREE organic nutrition as well!
But, then again, who’s to say…maybe you like vaccinated and radiated crops with mRNA Livestock and GMO food?
Anyone have a good #recipe for #crypto #bitcoin #gold #silver #ethereum? (Just add a little #gmosugar, eggs, #gmoflour and salt…I’m sure it’ll be just fine…..lol)
Wait…What? WTH are you talking about?
Just wondering out loud if #ediblehomegardensresorts millions of seeds are MORE valuable than the typical Stocks, Bonds, 401k, Crypto etc?
Well, let’s see: Do you think 12 million #nongmo seeds x $4.00 each starter plant that equals $48 million dollars AND reproduces 300 to ONE for FREE is a BETTER #investmentopportunity than #cryptomarket or #stocks?
What does YOUR #investment #portfolio look like?
Dwindling #401k? You do know that you can move those – right?
That’s probably WHY billionaires have been trading in their #stock for Land & Seeds….don’t believe me? Keep watching these links and find out! And then ask yourself if you want to EAT their poisonous “BUG” version of REAL food and buy into their FAKE MONEY EXCHANGE #cryptocurrency too …. well, DO YOU?
Are YOU “connected” to YOUR #future you yet?
#diversifying #assets with REAL FOOD & Edible Home Gardens Resorts Long term growth and “buried treasures” WON’T LET YOU DOWN!
From Biff in Back to the Future: “Hello? Hello? Anybody home?”
Just like in “Back to the #Future” – Times are a changing – so WHY are BILLIONAIRES selling off #stock and buying up #FARMLAND & #SEEDS?
Biff demands that George McFly “think” while he pounds on McFly’s head saying: “Hello? Hello? Anybody home?!”
#EdibleHomeGardensResorts actually already has a simple and EASY 4 step financial #recipe for YOUR #future here WITHOUT fake ingredients or having to “eat da bugs” agenda!
Check them out & don’t wait until it’s too late and the shelves are EMPTY of REAL FOOD because fake food stuffed with bugs, sugar and carbs is NOT #SustainableLiving:
Knock Knock – Hello? Anyone home?
Hello, who’s there?
#selfsustainability #sustainability #DiversifyYourPortfolio #DiversifyInvestments #SupplyChainManagement #futureisnow with #ediblehomegardensresorts
Great article!!
WOW!!!! YOU MUST Watch this video in the link!! The most likely REASON the government and the BILLIONAIRES are buying up all the farmland!! Watch the video!!
Trump’s PPP and NAFTA!! Here we go again!! It never ended and they need our mineral rights in order to back our money to compete against Russia!! How much land is currently being destroyed for uranium, cobalt and lithium?
Cobalt-based blue pigments (cobalt blue)
Hummm…NOW think about the property/homes that were NOT destroyed with the BLUE color roofs!! Any coincidence here? Were they showing their allegiance to the agenda?
Planned destruction.
Gates, China, Turner and OTHER Billionaires are Buying up Massive amounts of USA Farmland & SEEDS!!
And now: “Government announces 31 MILLION ACRE LAND GRAB from US Ranchers”
Which commodity is REAL?
Crypto, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds or LAND, SEEDS and LIVESTOCK?
If ONE sunflower seed reproduces 7,500 seed to every ONE, that could explain WHY the BILLIONAIRES are buying up all the #farmlandinvestment and SEEDS!! Ya think?
How much Farmland does Bill Gates own? Does anyone REALLY know?
Watch this very important message about the “next” big show-game…reintroducing MALARIA – then check out the images regarding Gates’ Eugenicist FATHER….any coincidence at all?
Anyway, Malaria was CURED for the soldiers in the USA back during WWI with a simple WILD QUININE herb! You can look that up and research it.
And, Wormwood also cures Malaria…so do other herbs…but, YOU BETTER GET STOCKED UP NOW because things could get pretty bad fast.
Check out https://ediblehomegardensresorts.com/health-tidbits-blog-video/ website regarding Malaria info too and Join their Free Newsletter to get their healthy tidbits information.
Who is the LARGEST farmland owner in the USA and do YOU “trust” them?
Might NOT be who you think it is.
Is it:
A) Bill Gates
B) China
C) Jeff Bezos
D) Ted Turner
E) Stan Kroenke
F) John Malone
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” -Henry Kissinger
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Wonder WHO was behind the Government PUSH for the Moderna $176 MILLION dollar mRNA livestock vaccines….hummm??!! Gee, could it be the antichrist “prez” who invested in Moderna BEFORE Moderna ever created a vaccine?
What an amazing “coincidence”!
Funny how the guy who’s “suppose” to crush the “deep state” is the actual ONE running the whole show front, back and center stage!
They ALL covet to be IN government because THAT’S WHERE THEY MAKE THEIR MILLIONS!! They “oversight” themselves…and the coverup is DEEP!
Remember how they completely covered up ALL those gay parties?! They said if one goes down, they ALL go down.
Sounds exactly like the covenant contract that the fallen angels made on Mount Hermon.
Who do you think is running this show now anyway? Hummm?
Imagine my surprise.